There were 17,188 .brand domain names with 11,663 being used,
both up 10%, according to the latest .brands Industry Report from Neustar
covering the 6 months to 30 June. And over 4 in 10 of these domain names are
registered in Germany.
The report notes there are an average of 32 domains per .brand,
an increase of 16% in 6 months along with 8,654 redirecting (up 10%) and 3,009
resolving domains (up 9%).
There are also more brands using their top-level domains,
with 11 more being used in the first half of 2019, although the total number of
.brand TLDs not given. And those brands with their TLDs are using them more,
with a 14% increase in the number of .brands with more than 50 domain names
There are 3 countries with more than one thousand .brand
domain names – Germany (7,207 and accounting for 41.9% of all .brand domains
registered), United States (3,240) and France (2,474).
While total numbers aren’t given, the number of .brand registrations
are growing fastest in Austria, with an increase of 150% in the 6 months,
followed by Israel where registrations grew 42%, Singapore (25%) and Denmark
(24%). .brand domains registered in Germany grew 15% while in the US they grew
The top 5 .brands by registration numbers are dominated by
European brands, with the German financial advisory group DVAG (.dvag) the largest
with 2,981 registrations. Second is the French insurance group MMA (.mma) with
1,854 domains, Germany’s Audi (.audi – 1,585), the German Allfinanz (.allfinanz),
which is a subsidiary of DVAG (835) and then the Spanish Seat (.seat), a
subsidiary of the Volkswagen group as is Audi, with 690 domain names.
When registering domain names, the most commonly used string
for .brands is “home” followed by “www”, “my” and “jobs”. There was also a 100%
growth in HTTPS usage on .brand domains.
The report also showcases the global professional services
group KPMG who have moved from using the various TLDs to .kpmg. So all 156
localised ‘country code’ sites such as kpmg.co.uk or kpmg.de as well as kpmg.com
have been brought under the home.kpmg.
Another focus is Neustar’s Tony Kirsch asks “When will we
see another round of new TLDs?” While no date is given, Kirsch is optimistic
another round will occur in the not too distant future, concluding with advice
to future applicants to “sit tight. The time to start preparing your
applications and preliminary research materials may be coming in the
not-too-distant future.” His column discusses what’s been happening in recent
Other features are Brand Registry Group’s Martin Sutton
speaking to Tony Kirsch for an article on “How the Brand Registry Group is
helping .brands collaborate & share.” .brands sharing their experiences is
a key part of being involved in the BRG with Sutton saying:
“Ultimately it’s clear .brands want to learn from one another.
They want that support and assurance from each other that they’re doing the
right thing and going down the right path. They want to be able to ask
questions, challenge and be challenged, so that they are more confident in
going back to their organisations armed with much more ammunition to say, ‘this
is a strong and trusted way to go forward, and it’ll be good for our business.’”
To download the .brands Industry Report from Neustar, covering the period from January to June 2019, go to: https://www.home.neustar/lp/brand-report/index.html
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