The seventh Domain Stammtisch München is coming next month
and will be held on 18 May in the Hopfengarten in Munich, a popular beer garden.
The event, which is privately organised is described as a
loose meeting of the domain industry where the organisers want to have some fun
and talk about the good old days, but also about current domain topics.
Participation is free of charge, but every participant has to pay for their own
food and drinks.
The event has some of the leading players in the
German-language domain name industry including Andreas Schreiner (CEO tamiva
Ventures), Tobias Sattler (CTO united-domains), Richard Wein (CEO nic.at), Jochen
Kieler (CSO BrandIT) and Stefan Panten (Managing Director DACH Gandi).
For free registration and more information, all in German, go to: stammtisch.domains
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