The Comfort of Reliability and Lack Thereof

The Comfort of Reliability and Lack Thereof

Posted on 25 March 2017 by Andrei

I have to admit there are days during which I envy those who have the comfort of 9 to 5 jobs. Even if it’s a fake sense of comfort and the idea of job safety is somewhat of a joke, it must be relieving not to feel any kind of “I wonder how much money I’ll make next month”-type pressure.

The truth about our industry is that earnings can be volatile… to put it mildly.

When you have a good month, euphoria kicks in.

But when a dry spell occurs… not so much.

Doing your own thing (whether it’s investing in domains, running websites or anything else) requires a certain type of mental strength and sometimes takes its toll on you, let me tell you that much. Sometimes it’s exciting, sometimes it’s ridiculously frustrating.

It’s ultimately a trade-off I guess.

1) Freedom
2) Money
3) Comfort

… pick two :)

Maybe that’s the rule of the game, I have no idea.

What I do know is that this occupation represents a good choice for some people, whereas for others… not so much.

People I interact with in the real world sometimes ask me if I think they should try doing their own thing as well. This puts me in a difficult position because I don’t know how to reply. On the one hand, I’m all for telling people lo follow their dreams. On the other hand though, I can’t help but notice that many of them probably wouldn’t do well online.

At the end of the day though, I ultimately prefer telling everyone the truth.

That doing your own thing can be lucrative, exciting, liberating and all that stuff but that if the comfort of reliability means a lot to them, they’re better off looking elsewhere.

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